Navigating the Journey: What to Expect in Baby's Development
Length: At month 8, your babe will be measuring 16-18 inches long and checking in at 4-6 pounds.
Feeling: Your baby will move and kick with increasing force and frequency, and it may just be uncomfortable, as there isn’t much room left. You may also observe an increase in movement as your baby begins to establish a sleep-wake cycle.
Lungs and Brain Development: Your baby has grown a lot in the past week and more lung and brain tissue are developing. The lungs are making surfactant that will help them breathe after they are born.
Positioning: Most babies will turn down in preparation for birth but some stay in other positions longer
But the Symptoms in Month 8 8th Month Symptoms
Shortness of breath: As your baby and uterus get bigger, it can push on your diaphragm, which can make it difficult to take full breaths.
Heartburn or Indigestion: When pressure on your stomach increases, it can in turn create acidity in your food pipe, leading to discomfort after meals.
Conditional: Quite a few ladies notice swelling, primarily within the toes and ankles, as a result of fluid retention and expanded blood quantity.
Back pain: The excess weight of your belly and stretched ligaments (thanks to hormones that loosen your joints) may result in some nagging back pain.
Braxton Hicks Contractions: You may start to feel these “practice” contractions more. They are designed to prepare your body for labour but are typically nonrhythmic and painless.
Preparing for Labor
Hospital Bag: We recommend packing your hospital bag ahead of time in case your little one decides to appear slightly earlier than anticipated.
Birth Plan: (If you haven’t done this yet, create your birth plan and discuss it with your provider!)
Labour Signs: Make sure you recognize labour signs, whether they are regular contractions, your water breaking, or a “bloody show” (discharge of the mucus plug).
Rest and Sleep: Get as much rest as you can, if you can find a position that you can be rested in. If you need support, pillows can really go a long way.
Cultivate a healthy Diet: Adhere to a food plan rich in vegetables and fruits, lean protein and whole grains. Taking plenty of fluids may also decrease swelling.
Mild Movement: Walking, stretching, and prenatal yoga are perfect to address circulation, and back pain reduction, and will literally create space in your body for delivery.
Kegel Exercises: To strengthen both the pelvic floor to assist in delivery and recovery;
Mindfulness And Relaxation Stress management is really crucial. Focus on breathing, meditate, or do some stretching exercises keeping your mind and body relaxed.
When to Call Your Doctor
Reduced Fetal Movement: Contact your healthcare provider if you notice a dramatic decrease in the number of times your baby moves.
Severe swelling — Combined with severe headache and blurred vision, swelling, especially in the face and hands suggests preeclampsia.
This does not seem right: 3 Labor: Frequent, painful contractions can indicate that you are in actual labour.
Fluid leaking from the vagina or bleeding: If you notice anything else leaking from your vagina, or more than normal bleeding, notify your doctor immediately.
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