The Importance of Tummy Time: Boosting Development in Newborns

Tummy time is a crucial activity for newborns and infants, and it plays a significant role in their overall development. Tummy time is an incredible tool for promoting a child’s physical and cognitive development. Many parents choose to lay their child on their chest or lap during this time. It can be both a beautiful bonding experience and a way to enhance a baby’s health.

Here are some of the reasons why tummy time is essential for boosting development in newborns:

  • Boosts Cognitive Development: Tummy time can also support cognitive development. Babies are more engaged with their surroundings during tummy time, which can stimulate their curiosity and learning.

  • Strengthens Neck and Shoulder Muscles: Tummy time helps babies develop the muscles in their neck, shoulders, and upper body. Lifting and turning their heads to look around encourages these muscles to become stronger, which is essential for later milestones like crawling and sitting up.

  • Builds Confidence: As babies become more comfortable with tummy time, they gain confidence in their ability to explore their environment and interact with it. This newfound confidence can positively impact their overall development.

  • Promotes Digestion: Gentle pressure on the baby's tummy during tummy time can help alleviate gas and discomfort, promoting better digestion.

  • Reduces the Risk of Delayed Development: Infants who miss out on tummy time may experience developmental delays in areas such as motor skills, muscle strength, and sensory development.


The Importance of Tummy Time in a Child’s Development 

Tummy time is highly beneficial for infant development. Taking a few minutes every day to get your baby off their back is essential for their physical and cognitive health.

The muscles that babies exercise during tummy time help build strength in the following areas of the body:

  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Back
  • Arms


  • This time also promotes trunk stability and improves head control for infants, leading to further physical development. A baby can start rolling over and sitting up on its own after months of daily tummy time.


  • Spending a few minutes on their bellies can encourage infants to practice movements like reaching and pivoting. These are important precursors to crawling and being more mobile.


  • Since a lack of tummy time can actually delay a child’s development, it is essential to practice physical skills daily.


When to Start Daily Tummy Time


Most physicians suggest starting tummy time when your infant is about two weeks old. In the beginning, you can lay your baby down for 30 seconds to one minute. It is necessary to note that this practice requires careful supervision to ensure your child is safe and remains in a good position. You can repeat tummy time two to three times a day.


You can place the child on your chest or lap instead of a clean mat for their first sessions. It is normal for the baby to fuss a bit or even lay their head down when you get them in position.


When your baby turns 2 months old, you can lengthen your daily tummy time to three to five minutes. After a few months, your child will likely be able to lift their chest off the floor while leaning on their elbows. They may even be able to hold their heads upright on their own at this point.


By 6 months old, babies can often do the following:

·        Lift their arms off the floor.

·        Arch their back.

·        Kick their feet

The ultimate goal of tummy time is to reach 15 to 20 minutes every day. Once your child can roll over independently, you can stop setting aside time for this practice.


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